Bushel Farm


Identify and Manage Irrigation Issues

irrigation equipment issues small

Equipment Failure
Thermal and NDVI aerial imagery helped this grower identify irrigation system failures. Thermal imagery detects slight changes in temperature, which can be an early indicator that something is wrong. Properly irrigated areas will show as cool spots, while water stressed areas will show as hot areas.

Tile Line Irrigation System Not Draining Properly
Aerial imagery helped this grower identify irrigation and drainage system failures in their fields. These issues are often discernable by looking at geospatial patterns that are difficult, if not impossible, to see from ground-level. In this example, poor tile line performance resulted in inadequate drainage in the western third of the field, which resulted in nutrient losses and a nitrogen deficiency later in the season.


Schedule a Demo
During your demo Ryan from the FarmLogs team
will answer any questions you have.

See what else farmers have found with Aerial Imagery: